Smart Lighting is defined as a lighting technology designed for energy efficiency. It may include automated controls to make adjustments based on the user’s preference. Together with other smart household devices, it makes a compact network designed to ease all daily activities and limit the electricity consumption.
In one of our previous articles, we pointed out the advantages of the well-designed home lighting system. Now, we’ll present the most attractive smart lighting options out there.
#1 Indirect control
Smart lighting control does not depend solely on your participation. Turning the light on and off can be adjusted to take place at certain periods of time (e.g., the outdoor light can be activated when it gets dark, or when you go to sleep), or it can be controlled by motion sensors.
#2 Acting up to a specific scenario
Every smart house offers its users the possibility to create a certain number of “scenarios” that make it easier for them to use a smart home. Thus, for example, a scenario called “Morning” is the setting for all devices used by tenants upon waking up so that everything fits their needs (the blinds are being raised, the brightness increases gradually, the radio turns on to a favorite show …).
The same applies to the scenario of “leaving the home” when all unnecessary lights and entertainment appliances are turned off and a security system is activated. On the other hand, there is a “worst case scenario” in the case of burglary when, in addition to the alarm being activated, all the lights in the house start to blink hard in order to draw the attention of neighbors.
All these scenarios are activated very easily, with just a few taps on your phone or, as in the case of burglary, completely independently. In all of the above-mentioned cases, smart lighting plays an important role, often crucial.
#3 Li-Fi
It is a completely new technology, still in development and not frequently used. However, we will remain enthusiastic about it until it becomes a part of our everyday life (in the world of technology, such things tend to happen quickly). The term itself is a wordplay on “Wi-Fi”, and it refers to the wireless data transfer via light. Experts say that it is much faster than the already established Wi-Fi technology. This means that you will be able to transfer gigabytes of data at any given moment, over a single bulb. Isn’t that great? If all this seems a bit too abstract, take a look at this video.
#4 Energy savings
Just as we suggested in our previous articles on automated households, smart products can save a lot of energy consumed on a monthly basis. The same applies to the automated lighting that, thanks to its amazing features, can control energy consumption at all times. In short, smart lighting is the perfect option for those who constantly forget to turn off a light in a room they no longer use. Believe it or not, a vast number of ordinary consumers act like that.
#5 Smart lighting as house assistance
We’re sorry, but no – smart lighting can’t help you in the kitchen, nor can it wash the laundry for you. You’re still the one in charge. Yet, smart lighting can easily draw your attention to everything that is happening in the house. If music is playing at an irrationally high volume and you cannot hear a phone or a doorbell ringing, the light starts vibrating and blinking in order to draw your attention to the call. Nice, wouldn’t you say?!
Another fine example is the smart flickering light option which makes you get out of bed if you miss the usual time to wake up (unless your cat takes it upon herself to wake you up, of course).
In any case, when it comes to smart lighting, options are numerous and, needless to say, absolutely fantastic. Are there any other features you would like to add to the list?
To find answers to more of these questions, keep in touch since we are preparing a series of seven articles covering all the smart home options. If you want these articles sent directly to your mailbox once per week, click HERE to subscribe.