Smart home development: Now and then


Although we usually give examples of what a smart house can do for you, today we’ll focus on smart home development potential. We will also cover one of its basic characteristics – the safety of all users.

People need to learn how to use smart technologies, and this was never as simple as today. A few years back, the inability to educate users was one of the industry’s major problems. The users were not at all sure what smart devices were. Whether they save time and energy or present expensive products that will quickly become overused. They simply didn’t understand how smart technologies are used. Nor they were sure of the durability of products that are still in development. Last year, the industry leaders finally overcame this problem and companies have become more aware of the importance of client education. Over time, new devices with simpler interfaces and system upgrade options popped up on the market.

Smart home development as an ongoing process

In 2016, over 80 million smart devices were purchased and installed worldwide. This presents a huge growth in the “smart market” concerning 2015. And yes, we are talking about 64% growth! Among the best-selling products are thermostats and smoke detectors, smart locks and video ringers at the entrance door. A significant share of the sold devices in 2016 went to the home assistance appliances such as GoogleHome, Mike by Bosch and the famous Alexa from Amazon.


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Analysts say that 2017 presents a true turning point in the smart home market. Today, manufacturers better understand the need for user education which helps them manage their households quickly and easily.

The year ahead will most likely bring many innovations. The analysts at IHS Markit emphasize that the focus of development will to lowering product prices, user education and enhancing security measures. In other words, manufacturers are now working to adjust prices to a wider range of customers. They are also shifting their production towards the average users and making sure that no one ever will hack your fridge!

The same research suggests that voice assistants will become more popular. Smart homes will also be better connected to smart cars. The data shows that at least 130 million smart devices will be purchased and delivered worldwide in 2017.*

A smart home is a safe place for you, your kids and your pets

The tendency towards the automation of certain home appliances has deep roots. Truth be told, the smart home concept is not only a matter of the future. This is proven by the fact that even our parents used the ancestors of today’s smart devices before this concept got such a lovely name.

Looking for an adequate example? It has two words: Baby alarm.


The first audio baby alarm was placed on the market even before World War II. The video option appeared in the second half of the century. Back then, the monitors did not look as fluffy as today’s, their data transfer technology is no longer in use, but their primary purpose has remained the same. Many smart devices that we use today are based on the same idea. They allow you greater control in your home even when you’re physically in a different place.

When it comes to the security of your household, family members, and even pets, this particular smart feature is of the utmost importance. Not convinced? Remember how dangerous a night walk to the bathroom can be for elderly people (and even old pets). Smart lighting resolves this by the lighting sensors triggered by a motion. When it comes to the household security, the activity trackers are also very popular. These devices are based on wearable technology that monitors the physical activity of their carriers. With their help, at any given moment, you can be sure that your children and pets are doing fine.

Finally, you should know that the smart home concept is currently in the early stages of development and that many companies around the world are working on its progress day by day. And believe us that the day will come when the “smart home” will become the only home we know and love.

Together with our partners, we give you the opportunity to become pioneers of home automation.

This text concludes the Salt & Water series on smart homes.

*Source: “Why 2017 will finally be the year of the smart home: Consumers figure it out”, CNBC